Book Tag

The Liebster Award

This is my second award and i am so thankful to have been nominated by Crystal over at Paper Royalty. Go check out your blog if you haven’t already. She’s really fun and lovely! So I guess it’s time to get into these fun questions!

1) What is your favourite book?

Peter Pan

This is honestly the hardest question of all time, why did you ask this?? I’m going to go with my childhood favourite here (so if you’ve been following me for awhile you for sure know) which is Peter Pan!

2) What is your favourite meal to cook?

Homemade pizza for sure. Including the dough! I do this about once every two months but i think i want to make it a monthly thing because it’s just so good and nothing compares.

3) Do you prefer movies or TV shows?

T.V shows for sure. They last longer and don’t feel rushed at all. Although i haven’t watched a T.V Show in a while now. All my shows have finished now!!

4) What is it that you love most?
Image may contain: mountain, tree, sky, outdoor and nature
Me in Banff at Lake Louise

Nature. Honestly, i could spend my life in nature away from humans and their destructiveness if i was a little more capable of survival. I just love nature so much (hence why i went to school to study it)

5) Why did you start your blog?

Well, i started it at a time when i felt like i had nothing going for me. Just work and home, and i don’t really have many friends in London. So I was looking at book blogs one day and thought, why the hell am i not doing this? And literally made a blog there on the spot! So glad i did because I’m writing again (which i haven’t done since high school) and I’ve already made a lot of friends here.

6) Where is your most anticipated travel?

Image result for japan springI want to go to so many places but i would really love to visit the Japanese countryside in the springtime when all the trees are in blossom. I would also love to be immersed in their culture, it seems so peaceful!

7) What is your favourite quote?

Hmm, you know i don’t actually have one! I like reading them but they never actually stick in my mind haha

8) What do you hope for in 2018?

A job in a bookstore. I realised after making this job that i want nothing more than to talk about books all day long. Plus the discount you get would definitely be a major bonus.

9) Do you have any pets?Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

I have had many pets throughout my life but only ever for a short period of time because they were all wild and we rescued and recovered them before letting them back out into the wild. My favourite one has got to be my Squirrel “Nibbles”, What a character! (That’s my mother feeding him in the middle of the night).

10) What is your idea of a perfect day?

A hike in the woods, and a picnic on the lake where you can just swim all day and hang out with friends. Literally, my favourite thing in the world to do.

11) What is something you’d like to improve about yourself?

This is a tough one because there are many things in my life i would like to improve but my self personally… I think i want to get fit again. Since moving to London i rarely go for runs anymore and i haven’t been to a gym in 2 years. It’s not that I’m fat or anything but i feel like i have lost a lot of muscle and i want to tone myself up again now that I’m moving back to Canada.

And here are my questions…

Story behind your blog name?

What is one of your favourite blogs? Share the love!

Would you like to become an author, if so what genre would you write about?

A book you’re most excited to FINALLY get to this year.

If you could choose one book being released in 2018 to get for free, what would it be?

What book world would you most like to be transported to?

Favourite female character?

Favourite male character?

Short term goal for the year?

Long term goal?

One weird thing about you.

I nominate:

Rebecca @ Reviews Feed

Georgina @ Daydreaming Roux

LaRonda @ Flying Paperbacks

Bree @ In Love and Words

Jill @ Jill’s Book Blog

Hope you all enjoyed this and have fun to those i nominated. See you next time.


13 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. I love reading your blogs. Even though you are a world away it feels like having you home 🙂 Miss you bunches and look forward to what you will write next.


  2. That’s so awesome that you rescue pets! How did you get into that?

    And I love making (and eating) homemade pizza, but I’ve never tried to make my own dough. I’ve always bought store bought dough and rolled that out myself, but it’s so elastic-y that I felt like it’d be hard to make from scratch!

    Thanks for the tag! I’ll work on mine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. well where im from there is wildlife everywhere and i’ve always been interested in nature so we use to just help animals that were in need. Baby rabbit that was caught by a fox but i scared the fox away. The squirrel lost its mother and was huddled by her dead body, so we took it on. They all got released back to the wild though after they were fixed up! Really great experience though 🙂

      Ohhh you should definitely try making the dough but be warned, it triples in size!! The first time i did it i had more of a mountain than a pizza 😂

      Have fun xx

      Liked by 1 person

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